Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015

Some very sad news today, as Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy passed away at the age of 83. He had been in weak health for some time, due to the after effects of longtime smoking, even though he'd quit over 30 years ago. Obviously, he's immortalized as the iconic Spock, the half-Vulcan he played on the original Star Trek television series from 1966-69, and then again in six of the Trek movies from 1979-1991, followed by appearances in the last two films from the current rebooted franchise. After Star Trek, he starred in two seasons of Mission: Impossible, hosted the documentary series In Search Of..., and even directed some movies, including Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, and 1987's smash hit Three Men and a Baby. He had been given casting approval for whoever was to take over the role of Spock for the 2009 reboot, and became friends with Zachary Quinto in the last few years, but for most Trek fans, he could never truly be replaced, and he'll live on forever as the character in the hearts of millions.

Spock's death scene in 1982's Wrath of Khan: